Sexy Mommy Victoria Heats the Boys Up on Those Cold Winter Days

sexy mommyBeing a sexy mommy and sexy stepmom keeps me busy, especially when school and work get cancelled. Yesterday and today, we have had below zero temperatures. And because of the cold, school got cancelled and so did my son’s job for a couple days. His boss told everyone to stay home until the temperature gets above zero. My daughter got a two-day hall pass too. So, my son, my daughter and my two grand angels packed a bag yesterday and came to hibernate with me, my stepson and my husband.

When it is this cold out, body heat I think might be the only thing that can warm me up quickly. Luckily, we have power. But half the city seems to be in the dark because of heavy ice on the wires. If we lose power, we will survive. My husband cut up plenty of wood for the fireplace, and a generator will keep the refrigerator running. Plus, I have some wood in the house to keep me warm too, LOL. But even though we feel toasty in the house, family fucking seemed in order. No school. No work. So, lots of fucking.

This Hot Mommy Loves Having Everyone Under the Same Roof

Thankfully, my daughter helps entertain the boys. Two women, three boys. Three very horny boys. My pussy got a workout yesterday. And today will be the same. My stepson and son can fuck all night long. My husband does a good job keeping up too. When we first started dating, he seemed hesitant to fuck my daughter. I think he thought I might get jealous. But I cannot be the only one in the family having extra fun. If I can fuck his son, he can fuck my daughter. That’s fair, right?

Now, he fucks her a few times a week. And my baby girl loves his dick. She loves her stepbrother’s teenage cock too. Any woman would. He can out fuck his daddy, and my son combined, LOL. My daughter and I keep up though. We have three horny males in the house. And my grand angels get to watch all the hot incest sex too. I am hoping everyone stays at mommy’s house for a while. I have missed having my son and daughter at home with me.

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