Being a sexy mommy did not always come naturally to me. In fact, for years I was a devoted wife and mother. I was raised Mormon. Not sure what you know about that religion, but the women are raised submissive to the men in the family. I married what I thought was a nice Mormon man and started a family. After I birthed a son and a daughter, I had to have a hysterectomy which ruined our plans for a big family. My husband and his family made me feel like a failure as a wife. My husband started having affairs left and right, not even covertly. He told me he was going to impregnate as many women as he could so his name would live on. He did too. I have a son and a daughter, but they have 6 half siblings we never see because we broke with the Mormon church. My son and daughter were there for mommy when their daddy was not. That is how my family fucking life began. Technically, my son and daughter started it because they were fucking long before I knew about it. They turned to each other when their parents’ marriage tanked. Then I turned to them. Never thought I would be a dirty mommy, but my bad marriage changed my life for the better. I said bye to my husband and got a job as a phone sex operator. I started joining my son and daughter in all the fun they were having and now I am a dirty grandma and aunt too. I will be a grandmother again in a few months. If you could have seen me a decade ago you would not recognize me. I was frumpy and shy. I was not at all sexy like I am now. I think that is the power of incest sex. It changed us all for the better.