Sexy Mommy MaryAnne Undestands Absence Makes the Cocks Grow Harder

sexy mommyDo you think I am a sexy mommy? My sons do. They came home from spring break with their daddy on Sunday. And boy did they appear horny for their mommy. They went an entire week without pussy. And they did not even jerk off. That is like an eternity for young teen boys. However, their mommy got lots of family action while they were away. Mommy needs dick.

But they did not need to know how much cock I got in their absence. I put on some sexy lingerie for them when they came home. Greeted them upstairs mostly naked just in case their father came inside with them. He never does because he hates interacting with me. Not because I am bitchy or anything. I just remind him of what he fucked up. But I always play it safe. He has no clue about all the mommy sex his sons get.

My boys know where to find mommy when they come home. I heard their feet running up the stairs and my pussy got wet. Super wet. Even though I stayed busy, I did miss my mother fuckers. I always miss them. When they saw me in my sexy lingerie, their jaws dropped13 and their dicks came to life in their pants. All three boys scrambled to get their pants off. Absence makes the cocks grow harder.

I Always Miss My Mother Fuckers When They Are Gone!

Normally, I make my boys wait their turns. One at a time. Sometimes they flip a coin for the fuck order. But Sunday, I let them all three have me at once. A week without fucking their hot mommy felt like a prison sentence to them. I got on the bed for a game of musical mommy holes. Their favorite game. I learned this game from my three brothers who often couldn’t wait to fuck me either.

My boys enjoyed incest sex again. All three came in a hole. And with a few minutes for downtime, got to fuck me again in different holes. They been fucking me this week like they never have before. Perhaps, a week away from me made them appreciate me more.

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