Sexy GILF Victoria Enjoys Three Way Fucking

sexy gilfBeing a sexy gilf takes no work. When I was younger, I did not step foot out of the house without make up on. I styled my hair and wore a cute outfit too. Now? I live in my daughter’s Victoria Secret boyfriend pants, a cute t-shirt, and crocs. No make-up unless we eat out at a fancy restaurant. And I wear my hair in a ponytail most days. I am 56 and the grandmother of two little ones. And I am a sexy stepmother to a teenager because I married a man 20 years younger than me this year.

I do not have the time or the patience I once had to spend hours primping. Not when that time could be spent fucking. But guess what? Turns out I never had to put all that work into my appearance. Men want to fuck mature sexy women. And we do not need all the bells and whistles to get laid. I shower daily and I look kempt but basic. And that’s all I guess I need to attract men of all ages.

A Mature Sexy Woman Does Not Need to Primp to Get Laid

I went to the mall today looking basic and so many guys hit one me. But you know me. I went with the youngest guy. Turns out he goes to high school with my stepson. Perhaps the boys felt a little awkward at first when they ran into each other at the house. But after some chit chat, I had myself a three way. One GILF and two high school boys might just be the second-best threesome ever. Okay third best threesome ever.

First, best would be me and my son and my daughter. Second best would be my stepson and my husband. But two teenage cocks rabbit fucking my ass and my cunt simultaneously felt like a wet dream cum true for this sexy granny. And to think I wasted hours of my life primping to get laid. Women just need to shower and be friendly, and they can get all the cock they want!

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