Sex with My Sister

sex with my sister family fun mommySex with my sister is a regular occurrence now. When we were growing up, she was such a prude. I would be rubbing one out under my sheets and she would go rat me out to the parentals for being a dirty girl. When she found out about my incestuous relationship with my offspring, she threatened to go to the authorities. My own sister. Then last Spring, my daughter and I paid her a surprise visit after years of no contact and discovered she was now fucking her son. She admitted that she had come to realize my way of life was not so wrong after all. I mean how could it be? Family fucking is natural, especially as a single woman. I got so hot knowing she was a p mommy too, I did her right there in front of her son and my daughter.

Now she visits me regularly. I can eat my sister’s snatch better than anyone. Once a woman has an intense orgasm by someone instead of something, she is hooked. She keeps going back to the source of such immense pleasure. That is why my offspring keeps cumming back to me. I gave them their first orgasm. I have since taught my nephew how to eat his mother’s pussy. Not his fault he lacked oral skills. His own mother had never allowed anyone to go down on her before me. Can you believe that? She was married but never had a tongue up her cunt. The prude in her would not relax enough to enjoy a good tongue lashing. I think she was worried about how she would taste or smell. Saddens me to think that there are women out there who have never let a man go down on them.  Men don’t care if we are bald, hairy, sweet smelling or a little musky, they love eating us out because they know what a good hard cum it gives most women.

When my sister visits, I bury my face between her legs for hours. I’m making up for lost time. I love having her sweet juices all over my face. What makes it hotter is when my daughter joins in. Besides me, she is the best cunt licker I know. The two of us attacked my sister’s cunt this weekend. I thought we were going to have to peel her off the ceiling we made her cum so hard and so many times. The best moment of the weekend, however was when I was eating my sister’s snatch, and she was eating my daughter’s pussy.  My daughter came hard on her Aunt’s face. First time my sister has touched her niece. It was a family bonding moment. My daughter has now fucked her mother, her brother and her Aunt. Next weekend my sister is coming back with my nephew and we are going to have one big family fuck fest with the whole brood. I can’t wait to feel my nephew’s hard cock in my cunt while I watch my sister fuck my son for the first time. What can I say, I am an equal opportunity family fucker.

sex with my sister incest family fun

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