Sex Therapy with Lynn and MaryAnne


mommy sex incest funMy youngest son got in trouble in school for masturbating. It was my fault really. I had texted him some naughty pictures of my pussy, he got all worked up and jacked off in the bathroom. I mean he went in a stall for heaven’s sake. Anyway, there was a male teacher in the stall next to him and he heard him slapping his meat. He has been ordered by the school to see a therapist. Since when did masturbating in a bathroom make a teen boy a sexual deviant? I thought it made him normal.

A friend of mine recommended her therapist, this woman named Lynn. I looked her up her up on line. Sure didn’t look like Dr. Ruth! This woman was smoking hot. If I was a teen boy, she would make me want to jack off all over her face. We had our first counseling appointment this morning. I pulled my boy out of school for this, even though I thought it was bullshit. Lynn was classy, sophisticated and wicked hot. Hard for me to concentrate, so I was sure my son was equally flustered. I explained what happened, just  said he was jacking to porn, not naked pictures of his mother. If she knew what I did with my sons, pretty sure she would label me the sexual deviant.

She assured us both that masturbation is a healthy, normal response for a hormonal teen boy when given the stimuli of the female body. Lynn then took her clothes off, hopped on her desk,  spread her pussy wide and started masturbating for us. Was I being punked?  This was my kind of therapy. I was unsure of her methods, but I liked them. She encouraged us all to masturbate. Lynn explained that group masturbation will help my son know that what he did was not wrong. That masturbation should be celebrated not shamed. I hiked up my skirt and started rubbing my clit. My poor boy though, he came in his pants watching Lynn play with that lovely snatch.

She had no problem helping him get erect again. This time she used a more hands on approach. I was squirting all over the place watching her suck his young cock. He didn’t fare much better in the longevity department with her mouth either. But that was okay. Lynn got a taste of my baby boy’s batter, so I knew she would not think me a sexual deviant for needing that young cock.

I told Lynn we would be back weekly, shared I had two other chronic masturbators at home too who could use her style of therapy. I never returned my son to school today. I kept him home to perform some sexual therapy on his mommy’s pussy!

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