Save The Ta-Tas!



Everyone should know by now that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. We all, men included, need to remember to save the boobies. Make sure all the ladies in your life get yearly mammograms. Even when you are being intimate with your lady, make sure you feel up on those ta-tas nice and good.. You never know, playing with tits could be what alerts the woman to a lump. Like my grammie always use to say… ” If only women payed as much attention to their tits as men did.” So my sissy and I always touch all over each others boobies. We make sure when we play to lick and suck all over each other’s tits but to also feel to see if anything is different in there.



Just think about it… If we didn’t save the ta-tas we could lose second base. I know all of you fellows would hate to lose second base. It can be something you do as a family! I know lots of brother’s that would love to feel up on their sister’s tits while watching daddy check mommy’s or vise versa.  So let’s all join together and help save the ta-ta’s we don’t want to let breast cancer steal second base away from us! Cause face it, with out boobs a lot of us would be really sad! I know we love not only our tits but everyone else’s too. So if you are team tatas then big or small save them all!!

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