Road trip fun

family fuckingMy siblings and cousins and I are as thick as thieves we spend a lot of time together and we are pretty much inseparable. We love planning days together and spending quality time and obviously indulging in some family fucking. I have an amazing family gene pool, If I do say so myself, each one of my cousins looks like they stepped out of a catalog of Hollister. The girls are all unique and so cute, I’m surprised we don’t look identical because any of us are related in more ways than one. We can blame my uncles and aunts for fucking their siblings, it has made some us cousins and siblings too. That’s beside the point, The point is we get each other off, We do it in packs. :)  We have total orgies together and cum over and over again, this past weekend we took a road trip and it was a blast seeing all of us fucking in one single file line in the hotel and in the car we got freaky too. *Giggles* you can say the view and experience were one of a kind.

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