Pregnant pussy

pregnant pussy

So my mother said she wanted to talk to me today. I came in her room and there is my uncle and her sitting on her bed. She motions for me to come sit next to her. I plop right down next to her and look at them, waiting for them to fucking say something. I notice my mommy has some wet spots on her shirt where her nipples are. My mom then tells me that she is pregnant, with my uncles baby! Can you believe it? A pregnant pussy! I immediately go to rip off her shirt. She has milky goodness squirting from her tits. I place my lips around her amazing nipples and suck all of her milk into my mouth. She lets out a big moan as she pushes my head more into her chest. I can tell her pussy is squirting as much as her tities. I get so turned on even looking at my uncle whom now has a hard on. I guess we are going to welcome this little joy into the world with some amazing fucking!

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