Practicing the Art of Family Fucking

Family fucking is an art. It’s essential in some households to keep the incest you enjoy between only you and those that participate. Thing is, society has trained people to believe this is not right nor natural. But it is natural. My main goal is to be here for you to discuss these issues, situations and desires.

I understand how uneasy it may make some. It’s really something that takes practice and care with, especially when younger members are involved. Some of the most wonderful, and fulfilling fucking I have done has been with incestuous encounters. I had my virginity taken by my uncle, and I was 100% willing and wanting of this encounter. Some situations I understand are not so easy or accepting. That is why training and due diligence is necessary. It’s ok to talk to me about desiring your mother or even your fathers cock. It’s not so much that your gay as it’s that you want you father to love you more. You see, I understand all of this.

Family Fucking

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