Pokie This!!!

barely legal phone sexDamned Pokemon game. I’m an addict. I was running low on Pokemon balls and decided to take a little walk. Ok, so walking late at night in a park isn’t exactly brilliant but I loved this game. My phone screen showed a new figure, a rare one, one that I didn’t have yet. The Onix was a snake like critter and I wanted him badly.  I was looking down when I slammed into you. You were old enough to be my daddy.  “Watch out, stupid.” you muttered. I was pissed. “The snake is mine.”  You looked at me, grabbed my hand, pressed it against your crotch and said, “Here’s your snake, bitch.” “Give it to me then.” I growled back. We fell against each other, almost ripping our clothes off.  You shoved your cock into my mouth and began to slam it furiously against the back of my throat. I gagged trying to take it. I was spun around as you bent me over. My weedle was already wet and you gripped my jigglypuffs hard. I felt your fury as you slammed into me over and over. “Come on, Pokemon slut. Catch this snake.” Your cock burnt like a charmander deep inside of my cunt and I cried out like a spearow. I felt you gush inside of my scalded cunt. We both moaned together in the darkness. I love this game. I wonder what I’m going to catch tonight….

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