Playing With My Step-Daughter

Incest phone sexI adore the little girl who will be my step-daughter.  She is so sweet, kind, and lately she has been playing with her Daddy a lot.  I have been working on them for a long time, almost two years, and finally it is all coming together.  Not only will I marry the man who I once worked for as a Nanny, but I have him doing things with his Daughter now.  We are still going slowly, I do not want to spook any of them.  I want to have a family that plays together forever.

Lately she has been going through all my lingerie.  She will try things on, they are way too big of course, but just the fact that she is the age she is and knows the names of all the items is simply thrilling to me.  To watch her run her small hands over the delicate stitching, or helping her put a corset on, or her helping me.  It isn’t so much the dressing up that is fun, but the dressing down.

The last time we played dress up with my things her brother came in to watch.  He kept telling me how pretty I looked.  He actually didn’t have to tell me he thought that since his boy cock was sticking straight up in the air the whole time he was in there.  His sister was giggling like mad at him and even teased him about it a little bit.  I am going to love being a Mom to these two, and I am going to love being the Mom who brings them into my marital bed so that we can be a Incest sex family.

Mother / Daughter phone sex

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