Playing with a new Daddy

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I’ve been very, very bad again. One of close friend’s dad came to visit and I have been craving his cock since I was a little girl. I was happy to finally have some alone time with her Daddy after all these years. I opened the door with my hair in cute braided pig tails, wearing a blue tank top, and white shorts. I told him I was about to head to the gym ( which was true ), but told him perhaps we could work out here together.
He must have understood my not so subtle hint because his cock stood right up for me. He seemed a little anxious, but I knew how to fix that. I got on my knees, smiling while I looked up at him. I licked his cock playfully all the way down to his balls, it was cute how his legs were shaking. It had probably been awhile since he’d had such a young mouth wrapped around his cock and was more than happy to do it for him. I suppose he wasn’t anxious for long because he grabbed my head and forced his cock in deeper as he shot cum down my throat.
I thanked him, and told him to come back for a visit again later because this couldn’t be the last time I got to feel his thick cock filling one of my holes. I let him know that I have wanted him since I was a little girl and I was not about to let him get away from me now. We had to have fun like this again.
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