Paw Paw’s Return

kinky phone sex mindyGrandpa is back in town! I am so happy. He has been gone on a vacation for a week. As soon as I know he is back in town, I rush over to his house. I am wearing my best pink dress. It is very short so I should not bend over in public, even though I sometimes cannot help myself. Paw Paw answers the door straight away. “I knew you would be over. Did you miss your Paw Paw?” he says to me. Of course I missed him! And I missed getting fucked by him. He knows me so well, especially my little g spot. The younger guys do not have a clue about sex. Daddy is pretty good, but nothing compared to Paw Paw. I go sit down in the living room. Paw Paw brings out an adorable school girl outfit. He tells me it is a gift from his trip. I can already see his cock starting to get hard. I am so excited to catch up with Paw Paw!

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