Our New Years Resolution

incest sex lillyEvery year I make some bull shit resolutions that I never keep. You know the normal, loose more weight, exercise more, eat better, save more money, stop smoking…..I am sure you have heard them all before.

This year I decided to make a joint resolution with the twins, Something we would all be interested in doing for the new year and a resolution that I think we all can and will happily keep.

At midnight we all resolved to get to know our own bodies better. The first thing that the twins thought was that we were just going to play with each other more. But that is not what I have in mind for our new year.

I bought a book about exploring your body and sexuality and we are going to read it together and practice the exercises on our own bodies all at the same time. It will be a year filed with mutual masturbation and self exploration.

Of course we will find time to enjoy each other and our friends in the cumming year. My pussy would not be satisfied if we didn’t. But reading this book together is going to be so much fun!

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