Not Your Normal Trip To The Zoo

mommy phonesex darla

It has been so nice out lately that I thought I would take Harley/Hailey to the zoo. She loves animals and we always have such a good time when we go. It’s never the same thing twice. We especially love it when we catch the critters “in the act” Some of them have the funniest ways of doing it. And the different shapes and sizes always give us loads to talk about. We saw some real cute cartoons the other day and so we decided that we would play a new game while at the Zoo this time. mommy phonesex smallAs we approach the cages we each get to pick an animal. Then we will start talking to each other as our animal. Based on what our guy or gal is doing, facial expressions and such we will try to speak what we think he or she is thinking. Let me tell you this game was so much fun. We had each other laughing and people around us were listening to us and laughing with us. In fact several people ended up following us around just to listen in on us. mommy phonesex zooWe ended up letting them join in the game and by the end of the day we had made several new friends. We ended up going to dinner with them and invited them over to our place for a cook out next weekend. On the way home we talked about what kind of games we could play when they come over and what we would cook. We also talked about how we would explain the whole Harley/Hailey situation. By the time we got home we fell into bed horny and happy talking as we snuggled and loved each other to sleep. It’s days like this that make me appreciate what a unique and special relationship we have and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. mommy phonesex facebookmommy phonesex twitter

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