
Mommy phone sex 3My little whore have been SUPER busy lately. I decided it was time for them to branch out! I gave my little Lisa her own tablet last week. Of course my little whore when straight to porn sites! Lol I have taught them well. I have caught her twice the first day playing with her little pussy! So I told her if she wanted to keep her new fuck toy.. she needed to earn it! I wanted her to talk to all mommies friends on Facebook. And that away she could keep all mommies friends happy and earn her time on her new tablet!

Mommy phone sex 1

She did such a good job and all my friends are so happy. I figured I might as well go for gold! I gave my youngest girl a little cell phone! I taught her how to use twitter! I knew she can only type out 1 sentence at a time anyhow so twitter is perfect for her! She took to it like a bird in water. The nasty things that girl can type blew even me away! I am so proud of my little whores! I mean who new they would have so much fun networking!

Mommy phone sex 2

They did SUCH a good job I knew just how to reward them! I took a little peek at the facebook and twitter accounts and invited ALL our new friends to a party at my house! I was very pleased at the turn out! So many hard throbbing guys just begging to fuck my dirty little whores! And fuck them they did! Ariel took 5 cocks on her OWN! Lisa is my little anal whore and I was so impressed with how she begged the guys to fuck her! She is such a good whore! She knows just how to turn it on to get a fat cock shoved inside of her! It was one of the best parties we have ever had! All because of Facebook and Twitter! Who would have know! Feel free to follow us on facebook and twitter if you want to have lots of fun!

Mommy phone sex twitter

Mommy phone sex

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