My Internet Friend Brings An Orgy With Her

Incest Sex

I have this internet chat group I attend regularly. Its all full of loving Mommy’s just like me. I had expressed concerns over the girls not knowing how to interact with boys their own age, since they always entertain my friends. When I got a private message from Susan, a fellow group member with a son suggesting we get together since she had a son that could probably help my daughters out. She even suggested she bring along a few of her neighborhood boys who had serviced her horny holes many times. I was eager to meet my internet friend in real life. I had not given the girls any heads up on what was going on. They only knew there would be special entertaining tonight. When my doorbell rang, I felt butterflies and could not believe my nervousness. I never let females outside of my family know our family secret, so this was a first.

When I answered the door, Susan was standing there in some very skimpy clothing, looking just as sexy as I imagined her from her description. She had several teen boys with her. They all looked at her with eyes of worship, so I knew right away this sexy Mommy was keeping all their dicks happy. I felt a twinge of jealousy at the thought. They all came in and made themselves at home. It all started out quite normal with everyone making idle small talk, but soon things began to get heated. Susan wanted to rush things along and said if nobody else would make the first move she would, and she all but ordered one of the boys to eat her pussy. From their things got hot for everybody as each one of us paired up with one of the males Susan had brought along. Soon we were having a full blown orgy. I could not be happier at the interaction between my girls and these boys. I needn’t have worried. My little sluts could take care of a man, no matter the age. They were making Mommy so proud. After realizing this, I turned my attention back to my own little cub, guiding his head into just the right spot.

sexy mommy

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