My family is the best

I can’t stress enough how close and wonderful my family is. We have such a great time together and I wouldn’t change it for the world. MY daddy was such a good man in breaking me in and introducing me to the many joys of incest. When my uncles joined in the fun it was amazing.

So there was this day I had my two uncles over and they bought along my cousins five cousins male and female. I was hosting a pool party for my munchkins. I wanted them to feel the love of our extended family. My cousins and a couple nieces and nephews were awesome in teaching them the true closeness we share and that their momma isn’t the only one in this family whoring out their offspring.

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Family Desires for kink and exquisite enjoyment of the flesh is what this family is all about and yes we intend on milking things and bringing in as much extra income as possible. Thank you daddy for opening my eyes so young.

My cousin was still nursing her offspring which isn’t unusual for us to continue nursing them for a long time, we get so horny doing so and I love sucking her milky breasts while we are both being fucked by her daddy. It’s always fun bringing in strangers.



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