My Family fucking amazes me

Family fucking

My Family fucking amazes me with how nasty and perverted they can be. Yesterday my son came home from his friend’s house asking if we could go out for dinner. Sure, why not a I figured, it’s been a long week, lets go out and have dinner as a family. We all loaded up in the care, me driving of course. My son up front, daughter in the back, and my son’s friend in the back with her. Of course, this friend knows about our family’s mentality, of how we like to keep it in the family. *wink wink*

From the back seat I hear him ask, “Hey Ms. Lilly, Michael sucked my dick today while we were in the bathroom between class.” I choked on my boba tea we had just all picked up. “What the fuck, Danny?” I asked. “Michael, you did what with Danny between classes? Out in public? Are you two going insane? What if you’d been caught? You both could have been expelled!”

When I stopped talking we all busted into laughter. “Just kidding guys, was it good? Did you cum in his mouth? I told you buys, doing stuff where you might get caught is always so much more of a turn on! It’ll probably make you cum fast, but the exhilaration of it is so fucking amazing!” My son Michael said, “Fuck yeah Mom it was amazing, I shot my load so far down his throat when I came. I don’t even think he had time to taste it!”. Danny laughed from the back seat,

“I’m mean, you’re not wrong. We could hear people coming in and out of the bathroom stalls next to us, it was so hard to be quiet while Michael grabbed the back of my skull, and literally fucked the shit out of my mouth. I was gagging on his throbbing cock so much I ended up having to change my shirt before we went back to class.”

My daughter sat quietly in the back seat listening to our conversation. So, I asked her, “Oh Michelle, what’s wrong? You’re being so quiet back there.” She looked up at me and smiled, “Tonight’s going to be so fun Mom. Just wait till we get to the restaurant!”  We all turned and looked at her. Oh My God, tonight is going to be amazing I thought to myself. My little angel had something up her sleeve, and I couldn’t wait.

My son laughed, and said to Danny, “My sister fucking cums so loud, how are going to do anything at the restaurant?” I continued to drive us to the restaurant, all of us excited for the night that we were about to have.  If you want to hear about what happened at the restaurant, give me a call, and let’s see how dirty and nasty we can get together tonight! 

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