My Daddy Spanked My Ass

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Ooooooooh. My tight little ass got spanked today!! I finally got to see my daddy and he was so angry about how much I’ve been banging my brothers. My daddy was my first and he made sure I remembered that! He took me over his knee and beat my asscheeks until they felt like they were on fire.  He spanked me for 30 minutes, never letting up, telling me the whole time what a dirty little incest whore I was for pleasing my brothers.

He spanked me until I cried and then he slipped his fingers inside his baby girl’s pussy. I was so wet from the stinging pain and being back under my daddys hand. He didn’t disappoint. He put me in my bed and crawled in just like he used to. He put my face down in the pillow and smacked my ass some more.  He told me not to tell anyone, especially mommy, and then he fucked his favorite girl right there in my bed.

After he was done, I ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror at my bright red ass – he spanked me so good I will be able to feel it for days.

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