My Brother’s Take On Sister Fucking

Sister FuckingMy younger Brother has a girlfriend.  I actually like her.  This is the only other girl that my Brother has ever been with besides me.  You would think I would be jealous but I’m not. I have no reason to be because I know my shit is fantastic and he will still fuck me sometimes.  See, it’s all good.

After hearing him with her a few times I became curious as to how sister fucking is different from girlfriend fucking.  I mean is there a very distinctive difference other than I’m his sister. lol  I asked him about it and this is what he said, “Hell yes it is different.  It is hellz different.  She is only fuck meat to me because I can always get another one if this doesn’t work out, but you are mine for life.  Plus, I actually really love you, like mad love.  I think it is too bad that all guys don’t try sister fucking because other bitches will come and go but a sister is for life.”

I guess that explains that.  He isn’t very eloquent that’s for sure not that it matters.  It made me feel really good to know that he sees me in that way, that I will always be his number one fuck for life.

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