My Brother’s kinky Adventure

 Sex with my sister


My brother had a dirty mind, and I was his willing participant. A kinky thought occurred to him, and he wanted to tape me up, treating me like his personal fuck doll.

He started by restraining me, my hands above my head. The thrill of being vulnerable excited me, and I moaned in anticipation. He wrote “slut” on my forehead with a Sharpie, and I giggled in delight—I was his whore, and proud of it!My brother’s cock was at attention, ready to invade my soaking cunt. He thrust into me roughly, calling me his little slut and sisterfucker. Each profanity sent shivers down my spine, making me wetter.

He pounded me relentlessly, his eyes locked with mine. The tape gagged my screams of pleasure, but he could hear my moans, and that seemed to fuel his lust.With each stroke, he grew more dominant, and I welcomed it. I was his toy, his possession, and the filthier he talked, the hornier I became.He spanked my ass, leaving red marks, and I yearned for more. My body was on fire, the pleasure intense. He pulled out and jizzed on my chest, and that’s when he got the idea to write “cum target” on my tits.

He left me tied up as he fetched the camera, returning to film my humiliation. But I didn’t care—I was buzzed on the filth we’d just shared. He came back for more, and the games continued.

I became his favorite plaything, and he enjoyed branding his property. Oh yeah, it was a wild ride, and the thought of being his little sister-slut only made it hotter.

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