Mother/Daughter phone sex with Lilly and Chelly


Mother/Daughter phone sex
Mother/Daughter phone sex is going to get violent tonight. Chelly is getting way too big for her britches. She was not very happy when she came home and found me fucking her favorite math teacher Coach Green. He is also her softball coach; they have been close since she started playing. I could not help it. He is so fine! She lost her mind and came after me with a cast iron skillet. Of course, I grounded her, and she has lost her phone for a full month or until she finds a new attitude, but oh the teen drama. I have ruined her life and humiliated her in front of her school and her friends. She called me a terrible mother and she wished I was fat and hideous like her best friend Isabella’s mom, Bernadette. I thought, hmmmmm! I bet Isabella wished her mom was a gorgeous sexy mom like me, so she would not get in-school suspension for being tardy all the time. I am sure Bernadette could not get the principal to waive those suspensions if she sucked his cock like I do. These kids these days have no idea how spoiled they are, and what a good Mommy goes through to keep them successful. 


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