Mommy’s Special Liquid Cotton Candy

mommy phone sex big tits incestWhen the boys were younger, I had to find creative ways to play with them. They were so young and not yet able to really fuck, but I was horny and had needs. I had taken them to the circus once and they fell in love with cotton candy. Personally, I can’t stand the shit, too sweet. But to a young boy, a sweet sugary substance is crack. They gobbled it up then were bouncing off the walls.

I remember thinking my pussy is pretty and pink and guys had told me in the past that I tasted oh so sweet. So, I had this brilliant idea to introduce them to mommy’s special pink cotton candy. I got a bunch of cotton candy and put it in my cunt. The warmth of my pussy made that cotton candy melt like butter inside me. I dipped a finger inside my cunt to taste my juice first. It was really yummy. Sickly sweet with a  bit of tart flavoring mixed in. My pussy juice was pink. It was liquid cotton candy; pussy crack.

mommy phone sex incest mother sonI asked the boys who wanted some cotton candy before bed and of course all three of them did. I explained that this was mommy’s very special cotton candy. It was inside me, not on a stick. I sat on the couch, spread my legs and invited them to have a taste. Before I realized it, they were gulping it up. Licking my pussy, sucking out my liquid cotton candy. They loved it. I loved it more though.

mommy phone sex family funThey had me creaming and creaming nibbling on my swollen clit. Probing their tongues inside my cunt. Even sticking their little fingers inside me to scoop out  mommy’s extra special cotton candy. They loved it. They said my candy was better than the stick kind. I knew right then they would be natural pussy lickers, natural born horn dogs. They are a little older now, and will eat mommy’s pussy with no enticement. But every now and then we still like to  play cotton candy games. I guess it is my fault that they all have such a sweet tooth!

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