Mommy sex with my daddy’s new in house bitch!

Mommy sexAnytime daddy gets himself a new whore he always loves to introduce us properly. Usually this means we are about to have his favorite one on sessions and he is going to watch. He always likes to make sure the bitch knows how to have the proper Mommy sex with his daughters; otherwise they are not allowed back. Before my dad ever brings a lady in the house he makes sure she is up to par and very aware of what goes down in our household. My father doesn’t want any surprises from bitches who aren’t on the same page as us. The worst thing is having some woman be completely oblivious or super vanilla in the bedroom!

When Mature sexy women can play the best motherly loving part for my dad’s teen daughters he is a happy man. I love seeing my father happy so I always love when he finds the perfect milf who will please him and drain his big heavy balls. So my dad brought Janelle over and he sat back as he stroked his big pervert cock to us. She was trained because she has played with her EX husbands brats too; she said she loves young pussy more than anything. My father loved hearing that so he entertained her enough just to have her here for  a few months to work his baby girl daughters over. 

He goes through a few spurts here and there where he just wants to watch us be used by dominant older women. He loves to masturbate while we are fucked and played with by a pervy mommy; Janelle is doing such a good job at showing daddy what he likes and needs. I have a feeling she may be here longer than he anticipated. His pre-cum was drooling all over the place while she ate my young box!

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