Mommy Sex Morning: I Thought It was a Dream

mommy sexMy son needed some much needed mommy sex. He has a new job, and it is taking a toll on him. He is not used to banker hours lol. Neither am I. I rarely wake up much before 10 am. That is because I am playing with horny boys into the wee hours of the night. My boy needed a pick me up this morning and he needed the kind of jolt coffee cannot give him. He needed the kind of jolt only mommy can give him. He needed mommy to fuck him and drain his lizard. Hot damn, he was backed up in the balls. I need to have a conversation with his girlfriend who is my daughter about the proper number of times he needs to cum a day. My son has a high libido. His sex drive is as high as mine, which is why I miss living with him. I would make him cum a couple times before his sister even woke up. Mature sexy women and twenty something year olds belong together in bed. My son needs a cougar to drain his balls. And that is just what I did this morning. Not even fully awake myself, I made him cum a few times before 9 am. I deserve a medal of some sort. I was clearly sleep fucking, but my son said I did not miss a beat. I fell back asleep with a belly full of cum. I had to call him at work to see if it happened. I thought it did, but it could have been a hot wet dream too. I wish he still lived at home, but I understand. He needs to be independent and raise his daughter with his sister like a a family. I just wish the four of us could live together forever.

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