Mommy Phone Sex with MaryAnne: Easy Access Cock

Mommy phone sex incest big titsAs a single mom, I always had certain needs. Womanly needs. I know everyone talks about cougars. Sure, I could go out and pick up some young college guys any night of the week. But when you are a single mom, that is not always feasible. You have responsibilities. The offspring needs help with homework. They need chauffeured here and there. The house needs cleaned. Folks need to eat and you can’t trust the wee ones to feed themselves; at least not anything healthy. You are pretty much a prisoner in your own home. I am not complaining. I love being a mommy.

But, when you are in your sexual prime, and you find it difficult to date, your sons look more and more appealing. You fight it for awhile because it’s taboo; because folks say it’s wrong. But how is love wrong? Especially when it’s reciprocal. My sons would steal my panties; sneak peeks at me in the shower; leave their door open when they would masturbate… They were giving me a clear message. Of course, I caved to my lustful needs. What woman wouldn’t? I had easy access to horny boys eager to please me.  Why go out for cock when I can get it at home for free?

Think about it. Your mommy was the first woman you likely saw naked. The first woman whose panties you smelled. The first woman to get your young cock hard. Regardless if daddy was in the picture or not, I bet you wanted your mommy. I bet your mommy wanted you. Mommies are hot blooded women too. I make no apologies for fucking my sons. It is a win win situation for both of us. They get premium experienced pussy; I get young hard cock eager to please.

Mother-son relationships make sense. Hell father-daughter ones do too. I look back and wonder not what have I done, but why did I not do it sooner. Family fun makes sense and feels good. Maybe I can be your mommy?

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