Mature Sexy Women Require Plenty of Young Cock

mature sexy womenMature sexy women need cock. And more of it as we age. I almost feel like an alcoholic when it comes to young cock. I need some of the hair of the dog that bit me the next day. The more I get. The more I want. Perhaps, you feel the same about young pussy? Anyhow, last night I got a lot of cock. My stepson had a birthday yesterday and we enjoyed a family dinner and celebration.

In my family, we celebrate family special occasions with family fun. We like to show our love for one another with lots of fucking. And no one minds. The big night out celebration will be tomorrow night when no one needs to get up early the next day. But until then we celebrated with a home cooked meal, some presents and some family fucking. However, the birthday boy hogged my cunt. But no one minded. I still got to fuck my son and my nephew, but the birthday boy got to cum in me a lot more.

I am Addicted to Younger Cock

Last night, I enjoyed myself. So, I got drunk on young cock. Woke up hungover and needed more. However, the problem was, I woke up alone. My stepson, the birthday boy, left for school early without waking me. My husband went to work; and my nephew needed to head back to college. And since my son and daughter did not need me to babysit today, no one came by to see me. I went from a home full of young cock to an empty house. My pussy did not appear happy about it either.

So, I got on Tinder and found a young stud in the neighborhood just as horny as me. He came over and pumped this sexy mommy full of cum. He lives close enough to walk over. Barely legal boy. Graduating high school this month, but recently turned 18 and needs mature pussy to jack hammer often. I have my back up cock. He gave me just what I needed this morning. Another load of cum for my pussy.

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