Mature Sexy Women Masturbating

mature sexy womenMature sexy women masturbating is something every man should see. Not a day goes by that I don’t hear from a caller or two that they watched their mommy toy with her pussy when they were younger. The typical scenario is a young boy hears soft noises from his mother’s bedroom, gets curious or concerned and investigates. When he sees his mommy with her pussy spread wide, he gets a boner in his pants. Maybe he even touches his cock and masturbates with her, unbeknownst to her. Does this story sound familiar to you? My son and my daughter admitted to me that they started fucking each other because they would spy on me masturbating. They got so horny seeing their sexy mommy get off, they had to fuck. I like it being my fault. I was sexually frustrated after my divorce. My vibrator was my best friend. It got to a point when I masturbated several times a day. I was my own best friend. I found it easier and simpler to play with my cunt then go through the dating hoops. My vibrator was a sure thing and dates left me frustrated. In the process of my masturbation addiction, I inspired my offspring to fuck. Before my son first put his cock in my wet mommy pussy; before I ever licked my daughter’s sweet bald pussy, we masturbated in front of each other. It was the ultimate cock tease. I was weak, however. Once I saw my son’s hard cock and my daughter’s sweet honey pot, masturbation was not going to cut it. That is why I tell my wannabe mommy sex boys to jack off for mommy. Once she sees that hard cock you have, it will be hard for her to resist. Trust me, I know a thing or two about this.

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