Law’s of the Old West

Mommy phone sex

I wish I could run my brothel the way they ran them in the old west. Back then a man came riding into town on his stead after a long trek a man wants a few things. He could always get those things at the saloon and brothel. A hot meal, a bottle of whiskey and a little tight pussy to bury his cock into. Now a day’s you have men who want that tight pussy but it’s against the law. A hole is a hole and sometimes you need to fuck that hole! After a long hard day back in the old west a man walks in, grabs the hole he wants to fuck the most and takes her upstairs. A man who has lust for young ones now a day’s would have been in heaven back in the old west. Think of all the little tight pussy you could have had back then. Don’t you wish we could go back? Back to the Wild West.

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