Kissing lessons

sister fucking

I am the younger sister, so tj has always been light years ahead of me. I remember watching her bring all kinds of guys to the house. I would watch as they all were in love with her. Tj is a complete smoke show. My sister is hot and naughty and all the guys not only from our family, but all the guys in the neighborhood and school wanted a piece of her. I remember my first kissing lesson with my sister. I was timid, but I wanted to do everything she did. I got way more than I had anticipated. Tj showed me how to lock lips, but she also taught me how much better my downstairs lips would feel with her lips kissing them. I could feel my young body get so worked up. I was a sister fucking with my big sis. It was so amazing. I had gotten the opportunity to be a mini version of my sister. I couldn’t wait to soak up everything like a sponge. I was determined to be a whore, too like tj.

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