Kissey Faces with teen sisters Cara and Tara

Yippee Skippee for lots of Kisseys!!! *giggles* We just love to kiss each other all the time. It is just so much fun to kiss my sister Tara. She is such a great kisser and she has such sweet tasting kisses too! *giggles* I can never get tried of kissing her. I could just kiss her everyday for the rest of my life. *giggles*

When we were really, really little, our mommy and daddy told us to give each other kisses at bed time. Well one night when we wer going to beddy bye, we gave each other a kiss and Tara’s tongue slipped into my mouth. *giggles* It felt really good and it made my cunny all juicey. From then on we have been kissing each other like that since then. *giggles*

Now that we are getting older, we like to kiss other things… like our little boobie, and juicey, tiny cunnies. It gets both of us so wet and hyper that we spend all of our time playing kissey face with our little bodies. Yippee Skippee for sisters kissing! *giggles*

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