Kinky Fun

kinky phone sex dorisI never thought that I would be into some of the crazy stuff that my wild and beautiful daughter thinks up for us. This had to be the strangest thing yet and I almost refused and was on the verge of dragging her home.
We had been out shopping and had split up to get done a little faster as it was getting late.
I went to the vegetable stand at our little opened air market and she headed to the butcher counter to get our meats.
I was buying the last of our produce and looking around for Inez. She should have been done by now. Where was she? Taking her time kind of defeated the purpose of us splitting up to finish faster.
A little aggravated I headed to the butcher counter and still did not see Inez. I didn’t pass her she had to be here.
Then I heard her giggling from the back room. She knows better then to participate in hanky panky without me. It is one of our golden rules.
Paying no attention to the signs I headed to the back room and the sound of my daughter’s laughter.
There she was kissing and rubbing on the butcher in his blood covered white apron. There was a smear of blood on her face where he had touched her.
She smiled at me and told me he would give us all our meats for free if we would go in the meat locker with him and let him fuck us.
The meat locker? Really with the smell of flesh and hanging sides of beef and the fridgid temperatures? They had to be out of their minds….
Some how Inez talked me into it, with my mind reeling.
As strange as it was, it was exciting in a way….

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