Just a thought


Sexy Mommy Collette

I was thinking about all the laws in this country. How there are loopholes people seem to find. I read this article where in Rhode Island some young girl was working at a strip club. There was a loop hole.. and if you were old enough to work you could work at any job…even as a stripper. Man I could have made a killing. Then I started thinking. I could make a killing off my little sluts. Ooohh I am sure there would be some law stating no sex between a man and woman.. but what about lesbian action? Think about it. Pimping all the little whore-letts out for great money. All legal. You could have your own web site and everything! They could be the entertainment for a sorority house party! Or A bachelor-ette party. The options are endless! And no chance of pregnancies. It lets my little sluts work out all there horny little urges! And Mommy makes great money. And absolutely no one gets hurt! I love it!

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