Jump Rope Fun

mommy sex lillyMy pussy is still wet thinking about last night. I had a house full of sweet young things and we decided to play naked jump rope. We made up a wonderful jump rope rhyme that was perfectly nasty just like we like it.

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick

Jack has a big old fucking stick

If you suck it really good

It stands up, hard as wood,

Bob your head up and down,

Come on girl, Go to town!

If you suck it slow, then fast,

You can make his hard on last,

Keep on sucking, press your luck,

And you might even get a fuck.

Suck, fuck, suck, fuck, suck, fuck….

At the end when we say “suck, fuck, suck, fuck” that is when we turn the rope faster and faster until the one jumping messes up. Watching the little titties and dicks bounce up and down while they played, listening to them singing our special little rhyme and seeing them laugh and fall and have a good time made me cum several times with out ever touching myself or any of them.  By the time we were done we were all breathless and horny. We ended our evening in a heap of naked, sweaty bodies eager to please each other. What a night!mommy sex facebookmommy sex twitter

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