Incest Sex with Madison and Morgan: 2015 Is All About My Baby Girl’s Pussy

incest sex mother daughter funIt is a new year, and with that comes resolutions for a better, happier year. I have decided that 2015 is going to be about my sweet baby girl, Morgan. All my resolutions focus on making her happier, giving her more pleasure. A good mommy can always be better right? My world has always focused on my baby girl. And this year is no different just because she out of school now. A girl always needs her mommy.

My resolutions are to eat her sweet bald pussy more; at least 5 times a day. It’s actually a win win. Her sweet little pink cunnie taste so yummy. I swear her love juice is as sweet as watermelon on a hot summer day. Once you taste her, you will know what I mean. And, I bet you won’t want to eat any other snatch, except for maybe mine! I’m also going to make more of an effort to share cock with her. I’m a MILF and get hit on ALL the time. Now, every now and then I have a cock without her. I always feel selfish and guilty afterwards. I think on some level I am jealous of her youth, her tight pussy… Men have always preferred her tight cunt when given a choice between the two of us. But this year I am casting all doubts and insecurities to the wayside and embracing my milfaliciousness  and sharing all cock with Morgan. It’s another win win. I always enjoy fucking more with  her around. She just gets my pussy so wet. And you know having a hot mother daughter duo sharing your cock is ALWAYS better for you.

I want to make my baby girl’s pussy feel awesome in 2015. Not only am I going to eat her pussy more and share more cock with her, but I am going to experiment with new ways to give her pussy intense cums. I bought an array of vibrators and dildos, including a fuck machine that I can’t wait to use on her sweet muff. I’ve been reading up too on Tantric sex and The Kama Sutra to learn how better to pleasure that pussy. I am hoping all the time and devotion I am putting into her sweet cunt will make her squirt on my face.  I’ve been reading up on the G-spot too. I’m gonna have my baby girl’s pussy purring all day long, every day of 2015.

Maybe you can help me with my resolutions. As much as she loves my face buried between her young thighs, she enjoys your tongue and fingers too. And, my strap-on will never replace a hard cock that can fill her up with cum. Help me make 2015 all about my baby girl’s pussy! I think we all could use more incest sex in 2015, don’t you agree?

family fucking incest mother daughter

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