Incest Sex at the Beach

incest sexThe girls and I went to the beach today. We had on our skimpy little swimsuits and you could not keep your eyes off us. I couldn’t tell which of us you were staring at and maybe that’s because you were staring at all of us. You were watching us splashing in the water and playfully smacking each other on the asses. We even have fun pinching each other on the nipple. Yes, me and my five little girls put on quite a show where ever we go. I pointed you out to my two teen daughters and they thought you were a gray haired fox. So I told them they should french kiss and see how you responded to the idea of incest sex.. You got up and came over to talk to us which was exactly what we wanted. My little girls and I want to take you home with us and fuck you six ways to Sunday. Trust me you will never get this much young pussy all in one place again.

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