Incest Phone Sex Poolside Fun

incest phone sexIt is one of those sweltering days. I suggested to my sons we have a pool party. I told them to invite as many of their friends as they wanted. They surprised me, however, by saying that they just wanted it to be a family thing. My little munchkins wanted mommy all to themselves! We were swimming around naked in the pool when I realized the neighbor guy was spying on us. He was trying to get a glimpse of my body. Men of all ages seem to enjoy my body. I do have a kick ass body. I decided to flaunt myself a bit more, so I positioned myself so my legs were spread eagle facing our adjoining fence. I wanted to show him my spread pussy. My sons are greedy bastards for my pussy and they completely twat blocked him.

cheap phone sexMommy’s little mother fuckers were buried between my legs slurping on my pussy. I have trained them well. They know just how to lick my bald beaver until I am coating their little faces in mommy’s love juice. I actually forgot about my peeping tom because my boys’ oral skills are so advanced. They got in the pool to both clean up and cool down. While they were floating on their backs, their little boy dicks stuck straight up in the air like flagpoles. I sucked on one cock while I doled out hand jobs to the others. I’m a multi tasking momma. Hearing their little moans made me wish I had a third hand to rub myself with! My three sons soon spewed boy seed out their little fire hoses coating my tits and face. I didn’t want to wash it off me. I wanted to lick it off me. I love the taste of boy batter.

mommy phone sexWe played in the water for a few hours before our bodies started to prune. We had not been inside very long when there was a knock on the door. It was my pervy neighbor. I invited him in to soon discover it was not me he was lusting after, but my sons. So my neighbor likes little boy dick too. This is a very interesting discovery. My sons are mama’s boys, but if I told them to be neighborly they would for me. Mmmmm…. what would you do if you were me?

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