Incest Phone Sex- Daddy Fills me With Cum

Incest Phone Sex

Can I be your little girl tonight, Daddy? I’ve just come home from swim practice and my hair is all wet. I walk into the living room, still in my swim suit. Unable to take your eyes off my little ass just peeking out beneath the suit. I bet you wanna come up and touch it, don’t you, Daddy? You walk over, pick me up, and carry me upstairs. You lay me on my bed and take off my swim suit. Rubbing my clitty in little circles, you lean down and suck my flat titties. You told me my little pussy was getting wet, and then slip a finger inside me. Oh, Daddy, you’re making me feel so good! You pull out your big cock and squeeze it into my tight slit. It hurts so much taking all of you inside my bald cunny, I feel like it’s tearing! You give me all of your hot cum, pushing as deep as you can inside me, making me wince. I’ve been a good little girl, haven’t I, Daddy?

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