I Understand

kinky phone sex darlaNot many people understand the life of a Sissy.How hard it is for them every day to live in a world that they don’t feel comfortable in. Having to talk like a man, dress like a man, act like a man. When inside all they want to do is look and feel pretty. To be able to dress in beautiful clothes and speak in their sweet tender voices. To be able to wear pretty jewelry and put on makeup. To be able to wear heels and do their nails. To be able to prance and twirl and curtsy. To be just like the beautiful women that are all around them like the delicate flower longing to bloom and show their beauty on a bright spring day. Longing to emerge from their cocoons and spread their wings to fly like the brilliantly colored butterflies that they are. My heart aches for each and every one of them that has to pretend day in and day out and be careful who they show their true selves to. Cum to mommy where it is safe, my sweet, I understand.

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