I Can’t Wait!

She is almost here and we are going to CELEBRATE! All the family fun we are going to have is going to be mind blowing. She is pushing down hard from the inside just trying to push her way out to meet you. Every time you stick your cock inside my pregnant pussy she goes crazy inside just reaching for it with her little hands and mouth.

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She already has a taste for that yummy cum that she is going to get plenty of upon arrival. My tits are leaking like crazy and I save every drop for you in a glass in the fridge for you to drink when you get home from work each night. I love watching you drink it all up and then suck my tits some more until you’re full. I can’t wait to see her do the same thing while you play with her little body.

We are so lucky to have someone who understands the family fucking dynamic the way you do and wants it just as bad as me. I will make sure to give you the perfect little one – so fresh and soft and pink all over. We will raise her right and teach her how to be the best girl for you and me. There will be so much love and so many fun games to play!

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