How I became a MILF

Kinky phone sex

The first time I knew I loved angles was when I was a teen. I was staying at a family friends house watching their ankle biters and Their youngest one would not stop crying. I know my daddy told me when I was older than the brats I was watching that sucking on him made him happy. So I popped his little cock into my mouth and started sucking on him. I don’t know if it was the smell he was giving off but I could not help but rub my clit and cum as I sucked that cock. Watching that youngins face as he laid there letting me suck on his dick was amazing. Since that day I have learned that the deep desire in my body was me wanting to be a nasty but hot mom who’s young ones and all of their friends would want to fuck me too. I can be the hot mom on the block. Be the mom that all the dads jack off to and catch their sons rubbing their dicks too! I try hard to be a MILF!!


Mommy phone sex

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