Honey Pot for my Brother

It can be so hard to pull my brother’s attention away from the TV with the playoffs on. I decided to bump up my game and make my little cunt even sweeter by adding some flavor. Surely he would get hungry at halftime and come looking for a snack. I needed to find something yummy to ensure that he snacked between my legs. I searched through the cabinets and found some honey in the cute little plastic bear shaped squirt bottle. I knew it would be perfect.

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I walked past him in the living room and since I was nearly naked, he did glance up long enough to notice. I showed him the honey and told him I was going to go make him a nice honeypot for him to snack on when he was ready. He just laughed and told me to not make a mess and that he would come find me in a bit. Brothers can be such jerks, but he was right – I decided to sweeten up my pussy in the tub to keep all the stickiness under control.

I sat in the tub and began squirting the honey all over my body, it felt so smooth and sticky and made me smell like pure sugar. I rubbed some down on my pussy, making his perfect little honeypot. The consistency of the honey made my fingers drag perfectly over my clit and my cunny began to throb in anticipation of him licking me clean. I could hear him downstairs yelling at the TV, and I knew halftime was coming soon. I also knew that he would be cumming soon, right at the first taste of my yummy little sister pussy made sweet just for him.

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