Hobby Horse Game

My little girl is going to be so pretty. Frilly pink everything – clothes, socks, blankets, hairbows. Her favorite game is going to be playing bouncy horse in your lap. I will get her all dressed up for you, and then when you get home from work you can undress her and play the game. Take her little frilly dress off, as she giggles from your touch. She will already know what is about to happen.

The take her frilly little bottoms off, then her diaper. Leave her bow in her hair, and her pretty little socks on, while you lift her into your lapand hug and kiss her all over. Her little legs will just hang there, waiting for the boubcy hobby horse game. I will be so proud watching how hard your cock gets as she coo’s at you while you kiss and touch her. 

The you can hold her up, above you lap, and slowly lower her onto your cock. Ever so gently until she’s onto her hobby horse. Then she can bounce bounce bounce while she plays her favorite game with you. Each bounce she takes more of her “horse”, stretching her tiny cunny while she rides you. You lift her up and then drop her down, and she giggles every time. She loves when you come home to play!

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