Her First Time

sexy grandma camillaThis sexy grandma loves it when her girls decide they want to take a step and try something new. So at Thanksgiving when one of the younger ones whispered in my ear, “Nana I want to try to have anal sex. The other girls look like they really like it and the guys do to. When will I be old enough?” I could feel the rush of fluid filling my panties. I knew that over the next few months I would be grooming her and conditioning her for her big day. I let her choose which of the boys she wanted, she knew how big or how small each of them are from the countless hours of family fun we have all had.

Since November I have worked her beautiful, tight, virgin ass with my fingers. Getting her used to the feel of pressure in her sweet little hole. Using my fingers, starting with the pinkie first and working my way up to my index finger I slowly stretched her pink little pucker out.  I was very careful not to stretch it to far so that both she and her partner would have equal pleasure.

This afternoon was the big day. I took her into the bathroom and administered a nice warm enema so that she would be nice and clean. Drying her off and taking her to the bedroom I gently lubed her up and applied some anal ease so that the little discomfort there might be would be eased.

Taking out my camera I recorded and took pictures of this special moment so we would all remember it. Tomorrow we will share it with the rest of the family and celebrate!

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