Harley’s Magical Fantasy

kinky phone sex darla1He was an odd looking little boy wondering in the forest. He was an out cast because he wasn’t like the rest of the boys and he was trying to figure out where he belonged. How he fit in.
Suddenly the heavens opened and it began to storm. He was drenched and cold when he saw the castle in the distance. Running for it in search of shelter he knocked on the heavy wooden door.
The door was opened by a handsome Prince. When he saw the awkward boy he laughed at his awkward appearance and refused to offer him safe haven.
The boy smiled and told him not to judge a book by it’s cover. There is always more to a person then meets the eye.
Just as the Prince was about to close the door a sorceress appeared behind him and pushed him inside. Placing a glass cover on the table she waved her magic wand and an enchanted rose appeared under it.
The glass was sealed by magic and the Prince’s appearance began to change into a hideous beast.
The sorceress told them that they must remain in the castle together for ten years. Each year a pedal from the enchanted rose would drop. At the end of the ten years the last pedal would drop and the rose would wilt. If the Prince could open his cold heart and love for what was on the inside and not on the outside they would both be saved, if not they would both be doomed.
As time passed the Prince learned that the boy had a heart of gold and was kind and loving.
Just before the last pedal dropped the Prince opened his heart.
Something magical happened. The Prince transformed back into his old handsome self, the boy transformed into the beautiful Princess that had been locked within and his hideous penis appeared under the glass sealed away for all eternity.
Sissy Harley became Princess Hailey and she and her Prince lived happily ever after.

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