Happy Groundhog Day. Goodbye Winter Woolies.

sissy training

Today is that stupid Yankee rodent day. I hate fucking rat looking creatures but daddy says I must respect tradition. His groundhog day tradition is very much his own and it is so much more fun than watching for a shadow. Our family tradition is that on Feb 2nd Daddy will come around and check his girls pussies. If her pussy hair is thick and winter-nasty, she doesn’t get any Daddy cock. If it’s all smooth and waxed, her eager little beaver gets some winter wood. Of course, I’m joking.
Feb 2 does mean something though. It means it’s almost Springtime and time for those sweats to be packed up and all of that hair to be gone. Bikini season is right around the corner. That means you too, crossdressers and sissies. Time for the tanning bed and the wax. If you’re gonna compete for the finest cock out there, you’ve gotta get your game on.
Let me be your sissy trainer as we do our female hygiene. I can teach you step by step the best way to shave those balls, tweeze those anal hairs, get rid of that winter butt acne, and make you into an enticing and tasty little whore. Allow me to coach you. I can even pick out your lingerie and panties for you from my own wardrobe. I may be young but I know what big Daddy loves. Let me be your new best friend and teach you how to be a sexy girl.

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