God, Mommy is SO MEAN!

2 girl phone sexOMG Mommy was such a bitch last night! All I did was forget to clean up the kitchen and she acted like I committed a murder or something! It’s not like I was being lazy, I had school and homework and then my boyfriend came over to visit… was I supposed to just ignore him?? That’s so rude! I had to keep him company while he was watching a movie and then we started making out and then all the sudden we were fucking and it’s not like I could just leave him hanging, right? I made his dick hard so clearly I had to take care of it… really I was just doing what Mommy taught me to do so I just don’t get why she was so mad about it! Anyways, she made my boyfriend leave and then she spanked me like I was a little girl, even tho I am practically a grown up! Then she told me that I am going to have to entertain all of her friends all day long tomorrow as punishment, can you believe how mean she is?

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