Furry Friend II

family fucking lillyIt took the twins forever to talk me into the furry friend that they wanted last year. I have to admit he has become a member of the family in every sense of the word, joining us often for family fun time. He has learned how we all like to play and the big old lug enjoys it as much as we do. But lately the twins have been arguing a lot over his time and attention. It seems they have grown to love him so much that many times they are fighting with each other because they don’t want to share. So they have been begging again for us to go in search of another companion so that they don’t have to share. We have had many talks late into the night lately about the added responsibility and commitment that this would mean. It isn’t all fun there is more to it then that. This morning was the biggest blow out ever and I decided I can’t take it any more. So here we sit in the car, Mikey jerking his hard cock. Michelle with her fingers deep in her pussy. Both of them over the moon excited about the adventure we are on to find Friend number 2 and the months ahead training him to enjoy family time. I have to admit my panties are wet thinking about it and watching them…..stay tuned for up dates!

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